Our 2014 fall meeting was held on Saturday, November 1st on the UW-Madison campus. Attendance was good and nearly two dozen members and friends of WES showed up to participate. Highlights of the meeting included a “teaser” presentation by Kyle Johnson regarding his 2-month long collecting trip to Alaska during the summer of 2014 (a full presentation has been promised for spring 2015), a presentation by Susan Borkin on the current status and conservation effort for the Poweshiek Skipperling (Oarisma poweshiek), and our annual photo salon competition.
As always, we had a number of excellent photographs submitted to the annual photo salon competition. Third place went to Nancy Collins for her photograph of a Forbes’ tree cricket (Oecanthus forbesi) on a flower with a paper wasp (Polistes sp.). In second place was Kyle Johnson with a photograph of the Fawn Sallow (Psaphida styracis). Karl and Dorothy Legler submitted the first place photograph of a Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor), which was reared and released into their yard this past summer.
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